Studio Monitors Walls & Screens

Performance Uriel Barrera

Studio Monitors Walls & Screens

Performance Venesti & Maffio

Studio Monitors Walls & Screens

Performance Karla Breu

Studio Monitors Walls & Screens
Studio Monitors Walls & Screens
November 2, 2022

Performance Uriel Barrera

En Casa con Telemundo is a daily show that brings together family with good entertainment, good news and greats tips about health, food and well being The.
  • Strategy

    After Effects

  • Design


  • Client

    NBC Universal Telemundo

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Studio Monitors Walls & Screens
September 27, 2023

Performance Venesti & Maffio

En Casa con Telemundo is a daily show that brings together family with good entertainment, good news and greats tips about health, food and well being The.
  • Strategy

    After Effects

  • Design

    Compositing Animation

  • Client

    NBC Universal Telemundo

View Project
Studio Monitors Walls & Screens
March 14, 2022

Performance Karla Breu

En Casa con Telemundo is a daily show that brings together family with good entertainment, good news and greats tips about health, food and well being The.
  • Strategy

    After Effects

  • Design


  • Client

    NBC Universal Telemundo

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